Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Boys town

Fulfilling some requirements I volunteered in a SDC room for a minute.
The aide was this immense creature who waddled into the room in the morning to sit. Never moving til lunch, then off to her home. She was reading a paperback from a writer you wanted to kill her for reading. Fuckin Danielle Steele type shit. (R.I.P. Nick Traina)

This waste of human flesh paraprofessional sat there and didn't move 'cept to yell at a kid when she felt like it.

Every student there was a young black male. The male teacher I was volunteering for was white. Really white. Bridge and tunnel.

He spent all day yelling at the fifteen kids in his room. This was occasionally peppered with her gurgling some shit at a kid pissed enough at his situation to be mad as hell, that he wasn't gonna take it no more.

Whity McTeacher tried to get her fired constantly. Nothing ever worked. Both of them should have just gpone away and this shit just shouldn't be.

Young black males are disproportionately shuffled off to "special education" cause some fuck doesn't know what else to do with them. There is nothing special about the education they are getting here.

Isolating these students, marginalizing them, stigmatizing them on a school campus helps nobody.

I am reminded of the Dead Prez track "They Schools". Listen to it.